Michelle is the embodiment of love ❤️ as she channels words of wisdom she creates a space that welcomes acceptance and openness. Her comfort in herself invites the circle to embrace their humanness. She gently allows the group to enter into the heart space and from there she softens us invoking an air of intimacy. with ease, she brings us each into our own bodies so that the group can become of body of its own.

My first intro to tantra in a group setting was a beautiful experience. The connection to mother earth
and safety. The feeling of something familiar and innocent. The uplifting feeling that I could lean into the masculine with trust and confidence yet allow my vulnerability and truly stay connected to myself. I felt a calm surrender. A way to feel my heart and emotions with out judgment or fear and allow myself to open in joy and curiosity. The touch of the rose on my body made me feel anchored in the respect for the qualities of femininity’s delicate balance that I so yearn to experience in my everyday life. The receptivity of more love for my body temple deep gratitude to being here alive as me a soul and body. I felt myself a witness to the loving presence of profound protection and peace even while the swirling waters of my belly turned. When Michelle guided us to trust our intuition a hand lovingly arrived at my belly to offer me encouragement and stability. I know we are in tune to the moment in our breath. I know we a synchronized with a magnetic field, but it is in these moments when we come together in wholeness embracing our brokenness that we truly become the union, and uni- verse can dance through us. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to share. The spoken word of kindness.. as he said out loud “You are perfect” , nearly brought me to tears ..love is so simple so easily overlooked and over-complicated..we are all children of GOD . , and deserve to be treated and acknowledged as such. The purest impression that i can take with me from the evening and what kept me in me focus throughout was the presence of God and how I was allowed to be available to myself as Goddess and receive without expectation or need to do anything else.

As I drove home I felt wild,free , expansive and mostly love. I want to live this life fully. This was a treasure that I know will stay with me as I continue to journey into the world of Tantra.

Thank you Michelle for your dedication and service to making this world a better place one soul at a time. Reminding us that we are safe here in our humble yet profound experience as humanity.